As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words (especially in design!). We really love seeing our rugs, fabric, and wallpaper out in the wild, so in the spirit of saying less and showing more, we’re sharing some of our favorite photos that do just that. We hope you enjoy!

Photography / Styling: Jessie Randall @jessie_loeffler_randall
Skirt alert! Alice Sergeant’s Andalus Antique Blue Fabric perfectly dresses up this table in @loefflerrandall’s NYC office. We love how it complements the stylish inspiration board above and the rainbow of ribbon on the table top.

Design: Rachel Gray Interiors, Rachel Gray, @rachelgray.interiors, rachelgrayinteriors.com
Photography: Amanda Berce @amandabercephoto, amandabercephoto.com
Design: Rachel Gray Interiors, Rachel Gray, @rachelgray.interiors, rachelgrayinteriors.com
Photography: Amanda Berce @amandabercephoto, amandabercephoto.com
To achieve an eclectic and layered look, Rachel Gray, of Rachel Gray Interiors, turned to Salvesen Graham’s Zig Zag Stripe Mustard Fabric. The soft colored stripe strikes a soothing balance with the sweet florals to create the prettiest little nook!

Designer: Hobby Sherman @hobsondesign
Photographer: Chris Edwards @chrisedwardsphoto
Styling: Ashley Hotham Cox ashleyhothamcox.com
Designer: Hobby Sherman @hobsondesign
Photographer: Chris Edwards @chrisedwardsphoto
Styling: Ashley Hotham Cox ashleyhothamcox.com
This project by Hobby Sherman of Hobson Design was driven by Ottoline’s playful patterns. The pool house was no exception and got the full treatment too. Decked out in Chintamani Trellis Mustard & Blue Wallpaper, we’d love to go for a swim and then hang out there for the day!

Designer: Laura Krey Design @laura_krey_design, laurakreydesign.com
Photography: Manu Rodriguez/Manu Foto @manufotomanu, manufoto.com
Styling: Benjamin Reynaert @spoonfulofbenjamin, benjaminreynaertcreative.com
Designer: Laura Krey Design @laura_krey_design, laurakreydesign.com
Photography: Manu Rodriguez/Manu Foto @manufotomanu, manufoto.com
Styling: Benjamin Reynaert @spoonfulofbenjamin, benjaminreynaertcreative.com
Another fun skirt alert! Studio Atkinson’s charming Checkerboard Pink drapes so nicely and adds such an unexpected and feminine touch to this fab pool house designed by Laura Krey of Laura Krey Design.

Designer: Charlotte Lucas Design @charlottehlucas, charlottelucasdesign.com
Photography: Chris Edwards @chrisedwardsphoto, chrisedwardsphoto.com
Designer: Charlotte Lucas Design @charlottehlucas, charlottelucasdesign.com
Photography: Chris Edwards @chrisedwardsphoto, chrisedwardsphoto.com
We love collaborating with our clients on custom rugs and the thrill of seeing them in their forever homes never fails to excite. This rug, designed by Charlotte Lucas of Charlotte Lucas Design, was entirely custom - from the rounded edge shape, the jewel tone colors selected from paint swatches, and of course the pattern.

STEP ONE (above left)
The client created the template based off of the space, size, and shape they want for their rug.
STEP TWO (above right)
The client picked out paint swatches and sent them to us. From there, we match their colors with our poms and send the selects to our rug mill. The mill then creates a rendering for approval.
STEP THREE (below)
The rug is complete! The final design is based off of the template and the color selections. Here, our mill partners are cleaning the rug before they roll it up to ship out.